So what can you expect from the Grammy-winning rapper? Just hang around at Twitter last night with Miss Dolce(Until she sleep...ZzzZZZzz) then my eyes see something ho ho hot in here yaw. hahah It's Nelly_Mo tweet about Suara Kami concert. In my opinion as a wise guy came to earth and meet the Earthling, hahaha...he says something he should not to say(Especially for rakyat Malaysia yang mudah cencitip). Keep on reading yaw if you want to know what he tweet about Malaysia. (Semangat patriotik selepas menyambut Hari Malaysia gitu.. mau tak cencitip hahaha)
Dear Earthling, It just depends on the person, to be honest with you. Some people are more forgiving than others. Just like some people are politer than others, meaner than others, ruder than others, happier than others....And of course it depends on what mistake and how many times they are going to make the same damn one. It's wrong and no matter what happen, we should forgive for the mistakes he made. (Hand Made kot)
We all make mistakes, but sometimes things don't change when you DO forgive. Sometimes the mistake is so bad that, even if you can forgive, it won't change anything. It won't make you feel great on the inside. Some people worry that being understanding or compassionate towards difficult people means you allow them to walk all over you. It doesn't. It merely means you view their behavior from a clearer, bigger perspective. When you ask yourself either of the compassion questions, it helps you to better comprehend the situation at hand. From a clear mind and an open heart, it is much easier to see the appropriate actions to take with a troubled person.
Ultimately, we are all very much alike. We've all experienced being in a nasty mood, and most of us have even treated other people like dirt on occasion.When we forgive, we create happiness and health for ourselves and we open the doors for fresh air and light. Such a mean word to say but for me, Nelly just apologies for the word he said , which makes Malaysia people hurt. When someone apologies, we as a human must forgive him, right? Sometimes people speak or tweet lalalala without thinking. Very much alike. hahahah
FootNote ~ I personally believe no thing is a mistake. It goes along with the philosophy that "everything happens for a reason".