Girls are beautiful, intelligent, and altogether wonderful creatures... at least for the most part. There are several harmful types of girls you should avoid dating to help save your emotional, physical, and even financial well being. These types of girls are usually selfish and/or have bad habits that make them harmful to date. To get the scoop on these types of girls and how to identify them, read on.
1. Spoiled Brats
Spoiled brats make bad dating options because of their unrealistic expectations and unwillingness to acknowledge their flaws. If you're wondering if a girl you're interested in is a spoiled brat, look for these signs:
She expects you to do all of the work in the relationship
She blames you for her problems
She frequently complains and nags
She bosses you around
Spoiled brats just don't care about the needs of other people making them fundamentally poor dating choices. Relationships require a lot of work, so it's best to start one with a girl willing to pull her own weight.
2. Players
Players will charm, seduce, and even date you, but they'll never start a real relationship with you. They're bad to date because they jump from guy to guy and don't offer any real long term potential. If you're having trouble figuring out if a girl is a player, look for the following:
She flirts with every guy she meets
She doesn't give straight answers when asked about her dating history
She sends you mixed messages
She is charismatic and very good looking
She doesn't always respond to your calls/texts
If she's flirting with you and trying to get your attention, don't fool yourself. You're no different from all of the other guys she has tricked in the past. Instead of trying to date a player, do yourself a favor and find a girl who will stick around for longer.
3. Party Girls
Party girls aren't any good to date because they just love partying too much. If you aren't much of a party guy yourself, this can cause some problems down the road. To help you identify a party girl, here are a few things to look out for:
She goes out every weekend night
Her stories usually start with: "One night, I got so drunk that I..."
She's frequently hung over
She's well acquainted with bartenders, bouncers, and promoters in town
If a girl you're interested in spends all of her time going to bars and clubs, you better be prepared to deal with the side effects of her lifestyle. Do you really want to deal with the possibility of your girl friend making poor choices every single weekend? If you can't keep up with her lifestyle, it's best to just pass her up.
4. Gold Diggers
Gold diggers will go to great lengths to find and date men with money. This is a problem because they want to live a life of luxury without having to work for it. Gold diggers are usually very shallow and value money and material possessions more than anything else. This is obviously a problem because money isn't the most important thing in the world. If you end up with a girl that is only concerned about the money you make, you're relationship will be very shallow and meaningless. If you aren't sure if a girl you're interested in is a gold digger, try to identify these tell tale signs.
She expects you to pay for everything
She's very disappointed when you don't spend money on her
She pursues you more aggressively than you pursue her
She is obsessed with living a lavish lifestyle but can't afford it
She is shallow and materialistic
If you have a high paying job, come from a wealthy family, or are projected to earn big when you finish school, be wary of girls that have a much stronger interest in you after learning about your financial situation. Gold diggers are only interested in themselves and will stop and nothing to get what they want. They'll end up costing you money, but that's not all. You'll miss out on having real relationships girls that are interested in more than what is in your bank account.
5. Psychos
If you decide to date a psycho, you better be prepared for some very serious challenges. Psycho girls are characterized by being insecure, controlling, manipulative, and needy. Like the many other types of girls on this list, psychos are very selfishly motivated. If that isn't bad enough, they're the most difficult type of girl to break up with. If you start a serious relationship with a psycho and she becomes dependent on you, breaking up with her will take more than just a talk. She'll kick and scream to the very end and might even make threats against you or herself. This is where things can get really dangerous for your emotional and physical well being. If you're uncertain how to identify a psycho, here's a quick list of things to look for:
Calls or texts you constantly to see what you're doing
Discourages you to hang out with your friends, especially other girls
Never seems to trust you
Cries or throws tantrums to get her way
Emotionally unstable
Dating a psycho is a surefire way to make your life a living hell. Even if the sex is good, it comes at a very high price. You'll feel like you're on a leash and won't have enough space and freedom in your life. If a girl you're dating starts exhibiting typical behaviors of a psycho, you might want to consider breaking things off sooner rather than later. If you let her act like a psycho for too long, things will only get worse.
FootNote ~ For me, can be friend any type but for dating, choose wisely yaw hahahaha
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